Saturday, February 25, 2017

Spring Items Update, Daily Explorer Update and Mystery Summer Carnival Item

Well, guess who has returned?
Yep. You got it right. Kevin Durant. He returned to Oklahoma City Thunder!
Ha, I wish that were true. And I need to stop being so random. 'm probably getting annoying by being like that, but I am who...
You know what, this is awkward. Just forget that weird intro and move on. So, recently, a small update was released, and now we will be getting new spring items every day for a short period.
Since this is the update, there are some items based on it in the Diamond Shop right now. Here they are.
I actually do like the color scheme of them. I have high hopes for the Spring items.
Secondly, here is the Daily Explorer update.
For the really interesting part of this post, I'd like to thank my really good friend Lostfairy. She told me about this. Anyways, the the Mystery item was released at the Summer Carnival today!
This mask is absolutely amazing in my opinion. The colors go so well together- and it's nonmember!
These updates aren't all that bad. What do you think about them? Comment below your thoughts. I'll see you all in my next post.

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