Sunday, February 26, 2017

Spring Bow and Arrow, Spring Dragonfly Hair Clip, DE Update and Another Jamaa Map Theory

Hello. Hi there. Hola. Greetings.
Intros are just so weird when I'm around, so let's once again forget that ever happened.
Today is Sunday, and that means (ugh, school tomorrow) homework day. But I'll forget that until later, just like my intro. 
By now, this post is pretty off topic, don't you think? Let's just move on! There are two new Spring Items available in the Diamond Shop today.
I like the Spring Bow and Arrows- but AJHQ has released another more girly item. Come on, I do exist, AJHQ!
Now, here is the latest Daily Explorer Post.
 Finally, I just recently switched to the Sir Gilbert's Palace den. In it, I found this map:
If you look closely, you'll realize it looks like the Play Wild map. Honestly, it looks exactly like it! I know other people have mentioned this topic before, but I now think that this is going to be the future map of Animal Jam itself. I believe one of the new lands will be a Crystal Place, or something like that. Now that we have a new land probably coming this year, this map is a very good way to figure out what it'll be. Here is the Play Wild Map, now.
(Credits to Animal Jam World) As you can see, both maps are the same. Also, the cave in top left Mt. Shiveer is a place where many believe will lead to the new land. If that is correct, the new land might be the orange and green place to the top right of Mt. Shiveer. (Yeah, I honestly just described it like that because I'm lazy.)
Back to the main topic- this will most likely be the future Animal Jam map. These lands might be the ones released in the future. What do you think about this theory?
That's all fore this post. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all next time!

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