Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Items of Jamaa, Episode 16: Worn Blanket

Hey again! It's time for today's morning post. For this one, it'll be another episode of Items of Jamaa. The Worn Blanket is today's topic.
- It's often mistaken for a Beta Item.
- There is a Purple version that was released as a rare at the 2012 New Year's party.
- It has two rare versions.
- There is a light blue rare version. It was originally called the "Ocean Blue worn blanket" on the Daily Explorer.
- These items can be recycled for 15 gems.
- Greely seems to be wearing a purple worn sometimes.
- They are obtainable n The Forgotten Desert and Hard Mode Adventures.

That's my morning post for today! Hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you later.

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