Monday, January 16, 2017

Rare Snow Boots, DE Update and Return of The Default Animal Names?

Hey guys! Welcome back to another POOOOOOSSSTTT!
TODAY we will be talking!!!!!!!!! about NEW ITEMS and SUPER RARE stuff that was RELEASED today because it is MONDAY. Aren't you EXCITED?!?!?!!?!1!?1!?1!?1!?1!
If you can see my reference to March 2015 there, good for you! But yeah. I'm back for another post, despite the really awkward intro. The Ice Storm didn't turn out as bad (and now I'll probably have school tomorrow, crap). But that means I'll ave to have fun today. However, this is really off topic, so here s the new item in stores. Oh wait, it's Monday, just like AJHQ I mentioned above! So here is the rare.
Not bad for a Rare, but I wish they'd release one that is completely new. I'm tired of getting remake items for Rare Item Mondays. 
Then, here is the Daily Explorer Update.
 There's that glitch again! The second half is larger for no reason. I am triggered. (Ehh, not really, I don't care that much about it.)
The last part of this post, well, is more interesting. I recently got another membership card and entered it in. I got a Snow Leopard from it. But guess what? It actually had the default Animal name, and you couldn't pick another one! Look at the name of the animal. I also showed the date to prove it was from today.
You see, it is Snow Leopard. If you knew about my animals, you would've known that I only had 1 default animal name, and that's my green Arctic Wolf. This Snow Leopard name just came up after I got the membership. I thought that this was stopped a long time ago when the Diamond Shop arrived. So who did I get a default animal name? It's confusing. AJHQ might've changed it and I'm just stupid, or I got lucky and got a "Snow Leopard". 
So yeah, that's the end of this post! I hope you enjoyed it, and tell me about the Snow Leopard thing in the comments. I have a feeling AJHQ changed it and I'm overreacting. But there's still a chance I won't be embarrassed. Anyways, until my next post, goodbye!

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