Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Pink Crystals, DE Update and The Most Motivational Video

Hey guys! Today's Wednesday, and this day has been much better overall. I'm glad that you all noticed the post and really understand my feelings. It means a lot to have friends like you!
Now, moving on. Here is the new item today.
I think it's weird how this crystal is called "Pink Crystals". I could understand Pink Crystals, but adding the s makes it seem like there are multiple crystals there! 
Also, here is the Daily Explorer update today.
 Finally, I don't currently have any other AJ related topics to write about, but I'd like to show you my favorite inspirational video. It's always great to listen to, and your spirits will definitely go up by hearing the lyrics.
Hall of Fame represents becoming great, despite the obstacles. Recently, yeah, I made a mistake and got underestimated. But that's not going to stop me, just like the people in the video didn't give up.
I hope you enjoyed the post, and I'll be back tomorrow! Until then, though, this is the end, and I'll see you later.

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