Tuesday, July 18, 2017

3 AM Animal Jam Challenge (Also Clickbait)

Hey guys! Today I'll be playing AJ at 9pm 3am! Let's log on and see how spooky it is.
Woah... guys... something isn't right. The AJ homescreen is a picture of Fman. I'm getting scared. But I'll still log on.
Uh oh... Fman is in Jamaa Township!
I'm scared...
Oh no.
I just saw something super scary. A haunted spiked collar.
That's it, I'm done. This has gotten too creepy.

Okay, so what did I just write? I honestly don't know lol. But it was obviously a joke, because you don't see haunted spiked collars at 9 pm (my actual time). I still hope you enjoyed! Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

lemon said...

Super Creepy. Ah I play at at 3 am everyday, maybe I'm just lucky