Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Mira Feather Pendant, Penguin55544 Google Results and Diamond Claw Machine Idea

Whew... I honestly just made that intro to capture your attention. Hopefully I was successful! 
So yes, I am Penguin, and I have returned for another update post. Today, I have a few interesting things to share in this post. But first, let's begin with the updates. The new item can be found in the Diamond Shop:
I think this was a cool idea by AJHQ. Items that are more based on the game's lore are better (in my opinion).
Everyone searches their name up on Google. So why don't I search my AJ username up right now? What could the results be? Let's find out. I searched up "animal jam penguin55544" and these were the results.

The first few results are ones from my friend Nafaria9's blog. Then there are a few ones because I commented on the AJ Spirit blog. Those are really cringey and old, so I don't recommend reading them. After that, there are a few posts from the AJ Spring where I must've mentioned my username. A video by Myebix was listed, too, where they won an old giveaway I hosted. Overall, I'm not too surprised at these results. Comment below- what comes up when you search your username?
Finally, I recently came up with a new idea. What if in the Diamond Shop there was a special Claw Machine? You would have to spend diamonds to play it, but could win diamond items back. It might look like the regular Claw Machine, but made out of pure diamond.
What's your opinion on this idea?
There's nothing else I have for this post, so I hope you all enjoyed. I will be back soon though. The template will also be updated today, so stick around. Until my next post, see you later!


Anonymous said...

Cool idea

Violet AJ said...

I actually think the Mira pendant is a nice item! You gave me an idea, I might do the searching uo my username in google for tomorrow's post! And I feel like the diamond claw could be an actual thing. Who knows, maybe AJ is secretly designing it as we speakXD

Penguin55544 said...

Thanks! I like the idea, too.

Yeah, the Mira Pendant is pretty cool. The username google search was fun, so I hope you experience it that way, too! And about that Diamond Claw... I agree with you. We also never know when or what AJHQ could be designing these items.