Saturday, July 8, 2017

Lawn Chair, Summer Carnival Storage Theories and New Submit Your Work Button

Guess who's back? Yes. Penguin is. And that's me!
I have returned today for another update post. I don't know what'll be going on in my life today, so right now I'll be online for a while. 
Let's get into the updates today. The new item is available at Jam Mart Furniture and is perfect for summer!
This price is pretty reasonable. 
I was just at the Summer Carnival and took a closer look at the boxes in the center. In the past, I have speculated as to what they hold. Today, I have another theory about them! If you look closely at each box, there is a symbol on it.
What if these boxes just held the prizes or items needed for games? The Cotton Candy box could hold cones. The ticket chest might have extra- well, tickets. The bag would probably hold plushies. The crate would most likely hold balloons. These symbols make me believe this theory. What do you all think?
For the last part of this post, I want to announce a new feature in Jammer Central. It is finally possible to submit work there again. There is a new button to do it, too!
Something cool about the button is when you hover above it, the leaves move. 
That's all for the update post today! I hope you enjoyed. I will go post on the AJ Community blog now. But until then, this is goodbye.


Violet AJ said...

Hey, is your Instagram for AJ or is it private? Cause I might consider following you if it isn't AJ, If it is an AJ account then for sure!!

Penguin55544 said...

I do have a private instagram, but the one you're seeing is probably my AJ one. If it is theoneandonlypenguin, then yeah, that's my AJ one. (I don't really use it too often though)