Thursday, July 20, 2017

Update Theories

Hi everyone!
As you know, there will be an update coming soon.This post will be sharing some of my theories with you!
Let's begin now. We all know that there is going to be a new den with the update. But Graham kept appearing in the sneak peak. What if we got Graham items? Maybe it would be another Wild Weekend thing, but with "Builder" items. 
We also know that something will be happening with the Jammer Wall. Maybe it could become non-member or something. I don't really have any good ideas on this.
The third part of the update is something I know will probably come. It's the Jamaaliday Jam in July. It comes every year around this time just for a little while.
Finally, the new animal will also be announced. I'm still not sure what it could be.
That pretty much wraps up all my thoughts for the upcoming update! Tell me your opinion on these ideas below. I'll see you all later!

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