Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Reacting to the "How to Adopt a Dragon" Wikihow Article

Well... I guess you could say that wikhow articles an be confusing. 
It's Penguin here and I have a new type of post to make for you all. I'll be reacting to a wikihow article. I've never done this before, but hopefully, the cringe in one of these articles will be great!
The title of the article I'll react to is "How to Adopt a Dragon". Here it is.

What do I think of this advice? Umm... IT'LL TOTALLY WORK! I WILL GO ADOPT MY OWN DRAGON NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh wait. They aren't real. And you can't get to know something that isn't real. Well, I guess that's game over for this idea.
That's all for this reaction post! I hope you enjoyed and didn't cringe too much...
But yeah. Until net time, bye!

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