Tuesday, June 28, 2016

A Few Things Wrong With Animal Jam

Hiya Jammers!
The Doctor's Appointment today turned out better than I expected, so I'm happy for that. Anyways, right now I'll be explaining to you a few things wrong with Animal Jam itself. *Note: Nobody was hurt emotionally or no photos were taken of people in this post except for myself and my storage account. I am just giving you examples of what I mean. Also, that fox you see in one picture is just a friend that was watching me*

#1: Over 50 percent of Jamaa's citizens are obsessed with rares. I know this is just an estimate, but I'm pretty sure it's accurate...

#2: Non-Members are constantly being bullied by "cooler" or "member" Jammers. I am a member myself, but I was once a Non-Member and I understand how it feels. It's not their fault!

#3: The Diamond Shop. I don't even have to explain. I liked Monthly Member Gifts better, too!

#4: The Fans of Famous Jammers. I'm not fond of ALL famous Jammers, but I hate some of their fans. They'll swamp that person with all their buddies, ask for autographs, and then ask for multiple rares.
I hope you can all relate to these situations and understand what I mean. People say they want the Beta Days back, but all I want back is good Jammers, and not Scammers/Hackers/Bullies/Rare-Obsessed people. Anyways, that's all for this post, I'm going to go and work on that story I have a preview about!


Anonymous said...

That was beautiful XD that fox in the corner looked very faboo :) you are right on all of these

Swirlshine said...

Oh my gosh, I HATE fans of famous people on AJ! The famous person can't even go to their own den without being swamped by crazed people yelling " OMG OMG IT'S REALLY HER/HIM OMG AUTO PLZ PLZ PLZ I WANT AN AUTO!!!!!"
I feel really bad for them. Also, how on earth do you give an "auto" in AJ? Send them a JAG saying " HERE'S AN AUTO"?
Personally, being me, I would send them one of these things:
1. A Sports Car from Epic Wonders
or 2. A JAG saying " OH OH OH, ORILEYS...AUTO PARTS! OW!" ( Haha, the commercial.) I'd end up having to say something more like " OH OH OH, OR I SEES... AUTO SMARTS!"

XDDD, I'm so, so weird.

☀2fangwolf AJ☀ said...

I love looking at posts like these. I mean FINALLY someone is speaking the truth!
I'm sort of neutral about these things, myself. I enjoy rares but I'm not obsessed with them, nor do I find them to be the reason I play AJ. I love the animals sold in the Diamond Shop, but I wish they costed gems or there was an easier way to get diamonds. I find Animal Jam YouTubers entertaining, but obsessing over them like a real-life celebrity is a bit too much.
These are just my thoughts :-)