Monday, June 20, 2016

Rare Sombrero + 10 Mysterious Lost Worlds Video

Hello there, Jammers. Guess what? I'm quitting.
For good.
And NEVER coming back.

Did I scare you? At least a little bit? I hope so. But you know me, my pranks aren't always believable. And I'm not quitting. Anyways, here is the rare being sold today. If you'd like one, go to the Summer Carnival.
It looks like the underwater rare sombrero. Hmm, I wonder if that other one will become rare now... because you know how the messed up trading system works, right?
Here is one of the departing items, sold in Jam Mart Furniture.
And here is the Daily Explorer update.
 And lastly, here is a cool video I found.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this post, I'll see you guys soon. I'm going to a birthday party tonight, so I don't know if I can post anything extra. Alright, that's all for now, this is Penguin saying goodbye from the other side.

1 comment:

Swirlshine said...

You scared me for just a second, but being me, I read ahead, XD