Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Pixelated Bookshelf and Unreleased Mat

Uh oh...
I was just watching the news with my Mom and it turns out a CONFIRMED tornado is heading our way. If I don't post tomorrow, I guess you guys will know why :P
Anyways, I doubt it will get to us, but it is heading our way and it's kind of scary. But for now, I'm still here to post, and here is today's new item.
And now: the Daily Explorer update.

Oh, right now, the Tornado Warning was just extended so I might have to finish this post off early. However, there's one more thing I'd like to show you- there's an unreleased color of the mat in the Dinner Party.
I have to go now, wish me luck and that the tornado doesn't catch up with us. Anyways, I'll (hopefully) see you guys in my next post! XD


Cerisewolf2014 said...

Oh no! I hope this tornado does not hit your house or hurt you or your family.

Anonymous said...

I hope you stay safe!-cheer

Lostfairy said...

Oh goodness, tornados are NOT fun! Once, my town had a tornado warning and the sky was all darkish gray/almost green. >.< It didn't actually hit the ground, thankfully. I pray that you and your family stay safe, along with your house/yard. :)

☀2fangwolf AJ☀ said...

Stay safe!! Great post btw

Swirlshine said...

Oh my gosh, TORNADO! If a tornado is ANYWHERE near me, I freak out...
But now it's near you, so I'm freaking out! I hope you're okay, and you post tomorrow, hehe!