Friday, June 24, 2016

Story Preview

I just started writing a story today, and here is quick preview of the first few pages: (Note: This is not in Paragraph Form because Blogger won't allow it!)
A Jammer’s Dream
“Here you go! Here is that diamond sword you asked for. All of the other boy Jammers will be jealous, and the girls will adore you! The diamond sword will go perfect with your orange fur and beautiful blue eyes,” my mother guarantees.
“Thanks, mom!” I respond with a large amount of happiness. I haven’t felt good in so long, yet something is telling me this won’t last long. My mother and I have a very small den with few precious items. All we have is two pillows to lie down on, a table, and food. I am very poor, and every Jammer in Jamaa- well, nearly every Jammer- makes fun of me for it. I really want a diamond sword, which is the coolest item in all of Jamaa. If I could get one, I’d be popular- and now I have got one.
I put the sword over my back and race outside to greet the popular Jammers. The day is sunny and most Jammers sit on the bridge that leads to Appondale. Many of them stare at me in shock, and one of them laughs. What’s going on?
“Well, look! Cup actually got a Diamond Sword!” my enemy, Archie, points out. Everyone then laughs again, and now I understand. They’re laughing because there’s a new victim in Jamaa. They point at the small, harmless bunny entering Jamaa. They laugh again. For once, I feel bad… I’ve never felt this way before. I’ve always felt jealous and horrible. Is being popular really what I want?

“Wake up! It’s time for you to get your lazy animal fur off of that pillow!” my rude mother shouts. It was all just a dream. I never got a Diamond Sword. I was never popular. And my mother isn’t actually nice… but anyways, I haven’t introduced myself. I am Cup, the least popular Jammer in all of Jamaa. My dream is to get that Diamond Sword and become popular. But how is that possible? It’s not. It’s just not.
I scramble off of the old pillow, obeying my mother. The morning sun shines through the mini window we own and the dew is clearly visible on the grass outside. I head outside without wearing any items because, after all, I am poor. In Jamaa Township I spot Archie sitting on the bridge with all of his popular friends. He wears a glistening, diamond sword across his back.
“Well, well, well… if it isn’t little Cup? The unrare guy? Yeah, that obviously him,” Archie laughs among his friend.
“Kurkah would laugh at the sight of you!” one of Archie’s friends says. Kurkah is the most famous, and by far the rarest Jammer in Jamaa.
“Leave him alone!” my best friend Nova pops out of nowhere. She is a dark gray wolf and is the only person in Jamaa that appreciates my presence. Her gleaming, almost’ pink eyes shine as the only other color on her body besides gray.
Archie gets onto his paws, walks over to Nova, and then dares her to come any closer. Knowing Nova, she leaps onto Archie’s back and easily pins him down, Archie yowls in embarrassment and Nova says she could kill him right there. She then releases him and gestures for me to follow her.
We make our way deep into Jamaa Township and away from the dreadful bridge. The sun continues to shine bright in the sky and Jammers are doing their regular things: trading and talking. After passing Jammer Central Nova leads me up the path where Jam Mart Furniture is. “We’re not going to Jam Mart Furniture again, are we?” I ask her with a sigh.
“No, Cup! We’re going somewhere much more important,” she gives a faint hint of a smile.
“Where are we going, then?” I ask. She doesn’t respond.
We continue up the path and then we stop where a smaller path leads off into a bamboo area. I’ve never been this way, so I have no clue where we could be going.
“But- I’ve never been this way! I don’t think any Jammer has!” I assure her.
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing,” we start down the new path. At the end there is a small hut.
“Come inside,” she says and pushes me with her when I hesitate.
Inside the hut there is loads of bamboo and a few pillows are on the ground. Then I spot a panda with some kind of staff- it is Liza, the Panda alpha!
“Welcome, you two. Have you told Cup anything yet?” Liza asks Nova. She says no.
“Well, I can. Cup, you and Nova have been chosen by the alphas to complete a quest. We need you to find out where the Phantom’s new hideout is, and what their new plans are. We have heard rumors from far away friends that the Phantoms are moving closer to Jamaa so they will be able to attack easier. And they even tell us that the Phantoms have a new plan that will be put into action soon- so we need you two to find out where the Phantoms are for us,” Liza explains.
“Me? But why me? I’m the worst Jammer ever! Nobody cares about me! What do I have to prove?” I wonder.
“That exactly why I want you to go along with Nova. You are special. You are more than you believe you are. Nobody except Nova and the alphas know this, and that’s why you are on this mission. Just trust me, you will understand soon,” Liza promises.
I guess I do have a lot to prove. If I can complete this mission, the other Jammers wouldn’t make fun of me.
“I’ll do it,” I say while staring at the cracked ceiling.
“Great, you can start right now. Here is a map, and it will lead you in the direction of where the alphas believe the Phantoms are at. Just keep following the arrows and if you don’t find them, you may come back. But I’m warning you- if you don’t find them, Jamaa may be doomed. So try your hardest!” Liza orders.
Nova and I nod in understanding. This mission will be so exciting!
“Here is a special gem that will keep the alphas with you. As long as you have it, you’ll have the power of the alphas by your side,” Liza hands a gem to me. Nova glares at it with amazement.
“Now you must go. Come back to me once your have finished. I do not want to see you come back without knowing the location, but I will have to accept that if it happens. Now go! You don’t have much time!” Liza demands.
We race out of her hut and back down the path through the bamboo.
“How did you know about this?” I ask Nova.
“Greely told me to meet Liza at her hut, and told me where it was. He said it was important and I needed to bring you,” Nova responds.
“Oh,” I say.
We finally exit the path and look at the map. We must go to Mt. Shiveer… and into the Ice Caves below it.
“How are we going to get into those Ice Caves?” I wonder once we arrive at Mt. Shiveer. The sun is now gone and the sky is white. Snow covers my paws and we journey towards the mountain itself. Tracks are left behind.
“I don’t know, but something is telling me that we have to break the ice to get down there,” Nova thinks.
We head over to the ice and start hopping on it. Nothing happens. It must be too thick!
“If it’s too thick, how else are we going to get down there?” Nova gasps.
“You could use some of these stones I have,” some old Wolf comes out from a small tent.
“Thanks, sir,” I tell him.
“Call me Ice,” the very old but wise-looking wolf orders.
I take the stones from him and using one paw, I drop them onto the ice. It cracks. We do the same with many more stones until the ice finally breaks and all three of us go plunging down an Ice slide.
“Woah! This is awesome!” Nova shouts as we slide down the Ice as fast as lightning.
We finally reach the bottom and now we’re at a different entrance to the ice tunnels. I can see where we’re at on the map, too. Ahead of us there is a large prairie and even farther than that is a range of mountains. I can’t see any farther as the sun burns my eyes.
“Thanks, Ice,” I thank the mysterious stranger.
“No problem,” he glares at me with a mischievous stare. Something tells me this won’t be the last time I see him.
Ice climbs back up the Ice tunnels, using his claws to dig into the ice. We stare at him until he’s gone, then we turn around and look at the new lands in front of us.
“Just imagine- the Phantoms could be out there anywhere!” says Nova.


Swirlshine said...

I love it so far! Can't wait for the next part! You are such a good writer!

Anonymous said...

beautifully wrote! :D