Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Octopus Rug + Possible New Trading System

Yay, it's finally the last day of School for me! I can't wait for the first day of my Summer Vacation. I have to go to a Boys and Girls club during the summer, but not every day. But I like it because you get to play sports, computers, etc. 
Anyways, here is the newest item in stores.
And here is the Daily Explorer update.
When I was looking around Aparri's channel, I noticed this video. It talks about a possible new trading system.
To be honest, this actually isn't a very bad idea, but I'd want AJHQ to keep the "confirm trade" part. I've always wanted to trade multiple items for multiple items, though.
What do you guys think about the possible future trading system? Should it come to Animal Jam? You can comment down below, but I've got to go now. By the time I get home I'll be able to start posting a whole bunch. Until then, I'll see you guys later.

1 comment:

Swirlshine said...

I find it creepy that Tierney though the dead crab bodies were good and awesome. They're DEAD BODIES...