Sunday, January 31, 2016

Friendship Party + Caine's Arcade

"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination." - Albert Einstein
Yes, that's really true. Later in this post you'll understand why I put that here.
First of all, here is the new item, sold in Jam Mart Furniture.
Luckily I made it to the Friendship Party today- and took a few Screenshots.

Cool! It looks like this party has changed a little since last year.
Now, for the best part of this post. Caine's Arcade. Watch this video!
Yes, a NINE year old boy made his own Arcade. He must be very smart... but this proves that you can do anything. Now, why did I put that imagination quote in the beginning of this post? Because imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is still good, don't get me wrong, but this boy used imagination to create his arcade. And look where he is now! These are the things our world needs more of.
I hope you enjoyed the post, and keep "Jamming" on.

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