Tuesday, January 5, 2016

If Rares came back (and some already have)

Hello Jammers, ready for an awkward post?
Well, we all remember the Arctic Coat that came back to stores.
These Arctic Coats were actually rare. I'm a 'rare collector' myself, but I don't particularly obsess over rares. I had a few of them and traded them each for a Den Beta. They came back to stores. Big deal! And yes. I'm being sarcastic. Wait a second. Some people could've of worked hard to get an item like this, then it came back to stores. Why AJHQ? Why do you want to erase all of our hard work? But then again, it can help people get an item that they like. 
Some people say that bringing back items can stop scamming. In my opinion that's wrong. Lots of people don't go around Jamaa looking for new items, and some people that did can trick people into thinking this item isn't in stores and get good items from it. Yes, there's ALWAYS a way to get around things. To be honest, bringing back rares is a bad idea.
Let's take the Den Betas that were released at the parties a few weeks ago. 
Many people became angry because of these Den Betas coming back. I admit it, I became a little angry, too, only because I worked hard for these Den Betas a year or two ago. It just surprised me that they released REAL Den Betas. Still, some people aren't too happy about this update. 
So yes, I think that Rares should NOT come back. 
Wait just a second!
Many people don't know the definition of Beta!
For example, they say things like "TRAD MEHH DEYN BETAZ FOUR MEH OLD RAGGEDDY NOT REEL DENN BEYTA ITEMS TAT WILL NEV WILL WILL NEVER BE WOTH ANYTHIG!" (And most people use grammar like that) Well, I don't think they would exactly say that, but you know what I mean. You open their trade list and you see things like rare items Mondays that were sold last week. I think this could cause MORE scamming because people would trade den betas from the parties for rare item Mondays. I would decline that trade because there would be more Rare Item Mondays then the Den betas in the parties. Yet again, more scams!
Yay! Let's get to my favorite part of this post! 
What if RARE SPIKES came back?
99% of Animal Jammers would quit.
Well, that's about all for now, I'll see you guys tomorrow.
Here's a video about rares coming back. 
Ok, now I will see you guys tomorrow. Watch out for SCAMMERS! Lol AJHQ style writing.
But remember, everyone actually IS good at heart. 

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