Saturday, January 2, 2016

The Forgotten Desert rumors

Hiya Jammers!
Have any of you played The Forgotten Desert and heard people say things like "don't open chests" or 
"do this and get a rare spike"? For example, use this picture below.
Many people in Aldan say that if you do these kind of things, you will get better prizes. Well, guess what? They're not true! I don't know how people come up with these ideas. It is just luck, guys! Yes, they probably tested it out and got a Rare Spike, but it wasn't because of their actions. It was just luck. Don't waste your time falling for these lies!
Yes, there will be a Jamaa Wonders later today. I am 99% sure of that. I hope to see you guys then, but for now, don't waste 10 seconds of your life falling for lies XD.

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