Saturday, January 16, 2016


I just thought of something really cool, but probably won't happen because I'm so lazy.
I could advertise my blog in Jamaa Township every day- and usually I can get up to 200 viewers. 
Wait a second! There's 7 days in a week, so if I could do it each day, I could get up to 1,400 viewers per week.
How many weeks are in a year? Well, usually, it's around 52. 
52 x 1,400 is 72,800.
My goal, I believe, was to get 50,000 views this year. If I could do that, it does seem possible.
We'll just have to see.

1 comment:

purple said...

There is also this magazine called Mirazine, in which you can advertise your blog for some AJ items (I think), that might help you reach your goal faster. Advertising in Jamaa is also a good idea, though.