Monday, January 18, 2016

The Original Legend of Jamaa

Hello, are you guys ready for the post I called unique?
This post will be about the ORIGINAL legends of Jamaa. Not the current ones with newer lore, but the original. Let's begin!
Many years ago, there was a Sky God called Zios. But even though he was so mighty and powerful, he was lonely. He decided to create a bird called Mira. Together, they made the world of Jamaa, and the animals there lived in peace. However, Zios then fell, and mysteriously disappeared. Mira cried thousands of tears, and each tear created what we know as the Phantoms. The Phantoms wanted to cause chaos in Jamaa, so the Alphas came. They had a war against the Phantoms and stopped them from destroying Jamaa. Today, millions of animals live in peace, but the mystery still remains about where Zios is today. And now, the Phantoms have returned- what will happen to the world of Jamaa?
Here is a little video explaining more:
I hope you enjoyed, and I believe I will post something about the Beta Days soon. Keep reading!

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