Thursday, March 23, 2017


By reading the title, you can probably tell I've been having problems with math lately... again. I'm going to have to study so much now for it. I'm most likely going in after school to get extra help with it. You see, math has just gotten so hard for me lately! I just don't understand it. I'll give you an example of what we've been doing:

8x + 6y = 3

x + 4y = 8

And it actually gets much more complicated than that. You'll then have to "isolate" variables, move them around, and plug them into different parts of the equation. I think it's called "Finding Solutions to Systems of Equations through Substitution".
Just where are you going to use this in life, anyways?
I'm getting really mad with math, but I'll continue posting regularly tonight. I apologize for yesterday, but I really needed to study. I have another quiz today (maybe tomorrow, I can't remember). But until later, goodbye.


Lostfairy said...

Eeeek, that looks hard. :O I am really sorry you are getting mad at math. I got quite mad at math last year too. And when you said when are we going to use this in life, I actually have thought that a bunch of times about different math problems. XD Like, c'mon, where are we going to use this weird math problem? If we're a math teacher??

If you don't mind me asking, you're taking Algebra, right? What number?

Penguin55544 said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is Algebra. I don't know anything about Algebra numbers (except that there's 1, 2 and whatever), but the math I am doing is currently late 8th grade/early 9th grade math. I think it's Algebra 1.

Lostfairy said...

Ooooh! I think I'm doing Algebra 1/2 but it's gonna get harder as I go further into high school. (its so weird to think I'm in high school... XD)

Penguin55544 said...

ohhh looking back at this is cringey lol