Monday, March 6, 2017

Rooms of Jamaa, Episode 19: Sarepia Forest

Well, yep, I'm back again for another post!
I just realized that I haven't done a Rooms of Jamaa episode for over a month. So guess what? I'm doing one right now. The topic of this episode will be Sarepia Forest. (I was surprised when I found out I hadn't done it yet) Also, credits go to The AJ Wiki for this information!
- This was one of the four original lands, along with Jamaa Township, Crystal Sands and the Temple of Zios.
- It is one of the few lands with a Theater. 
- It is also one of the three lands with a Slide. (Sarepia Forest, Mt. Shiveer and Crystal Sands)
- If you dance around the campfire at the bottom, an apparition of Mira will appear. 
- There are four shops in Sarepia Forest, including the Flag Shop, Treetop gardens, the Topiary Shop and the Theater Shop.
- There are eight games to play in Sarepia Forest, including Wind Rider, Super Sort, Hedgehog, Pill Bugs, the Popcorn Machine, the Claw, Swoopy Eagle and Disc Toss.
- You can buy Pet Puppies and Butterflies here.
- In early 2011, the Campfire attraction was broken, but it was fixed shortly after.
- There are rumors that if enough Jammers dance by the fire, you'll win rares. This is similar to the Breaking the Ice/bridge rumors.
- There is currently a glitch where players can stay on the slide.
- The Topiary Shop was released on June 10, 2015.
- The original name of this land was just Sarepia!

Whew, there's actually a lot of information about Sarepia Forest. I really like the place and it gives off relaxing vibes. What do you think of Sarepia Forest? Comment below and I'll see you in my next post!

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