Sunday, April 23, 2017

Diamond Cloud and Hidden Features In The Flag Shop

Happy... ugh. It's Sunday. I have school tomorrow.
But on the bright side, the exams are over. I still do have a few more tests for each subject, but I think I'll be fine if I just continue studying. Now, I honestly hate talking about school. It seems like the only conversation I have with my buddies now are about school. So guess what? Now they won't be. 
Let's get into the updates today now. here is the new item, which is another cloud in the Diamond Shop.
To be honest, this is the worst cloud out of the four new ones. Why must they base a cloud completely off of the Diamond Shop lol?
Once again, AJHQ is being too lazy to release a Daily Explorer post today. I wouldn't be surprised if one day they abandon it completely. But then my whole update post layout would change.
But I do have other things to share with you all! I was in the Flag Shop again today (I like it's music) and noticed a few hidden features. Here they are:

In all my years of playing this game, I never realized there was a Big Ben mini model in the Flag Shop. But the more interesting feature if the weird Jamaasian language on the cash register. I think other people have posted about it, but I just now noticed it. I honestly think these symbols have something to do with the currency of Jamaa, otherwise why would they be on a cash register?
For now, that's the end of today's posts. I may be posting later with more news, though. Until next time, see you later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Animal Jam have truly ruined the Daily Explorer.