Thursday, April 13, 2017

Springtime Tag

Since it is Spring, many people have been excited for the warmer weather. But that doesn't mean we aren't still indoors... lol
But yeah, spring is a great season. I enjoy it a lot, especially because I can finally go outside for much longer periods of time. In celebration of Spring, my friend Nafaria9 created a tag dedicated to it. I was chosen to fill it out! Let's begin.
1) My favorite part about springtime in Jamaa is how cheerful my buddies are. School is nearly over, and everyone is finishing up their exams and ready for summer. Spring is also a beautiful season because all of the plants are returning, and the color green s back.
2) Hmm... I honestly don't have an answer to this. I like all of the Spring Items.
3) The Spring Festival adventure is really fun! I enjoy it, but it's not my favorite seasonal adventure. My favorite one has got to be Bitter Sweets still. 

Those are my answers for that! Are yours any different?
Now, to continue this, I would like to tag: Purplestarclub. 
Anyways, that's all for this tag post! This is probably my fourth post today, and I have so many more ideas for the upcoming days. But I'll be saving more for tomorrow. I'll see you guys during today's Jamaa Journal update post!

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