Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Rooms of Jamaa, Episode 24: Jam Mart Furniture

Random people of Jamaa, I greet you.
I am back again for yet another post. Today for the morning post, I've decided to do another episode of Rooms of Jamaa. This episode will be based on Jam Mart Furniture, since the last one was about Jam Mart Clothing. Let's begin!
- It was one of the first stores included in Beta Testing.
- There are always sale signs there, despite the fact that there are usually never sales.
- In the Beta Testing, most of the current Den Betas were available for purchase here.
- When a Jammer buys an item here, a rare glitch can occur that its color changes.
- There is an uncommon glitch where an item will cost 999,999,999 gems and be labeled rare. Other people have experienced it.
- There was a glitch where you could climb the roof of this store. 
- With every season, new decorations are put around the building.
- It has the same music as Jam Mart Clothing.

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