Monday, April 10, 2017

Items of Jamaa, Episode 23: Rare Nerd Glasses

Hey guys! For the morning post today, we'll be doing another episode of Items of Jamaa. Today, Rare Nerd Glasses are the topic.
- They were originally a Rare Item Monday on August 26, 2013.
- It was released two weeks early in Return of the Phantoms and The Phantom Portal.
- There's an adventure version of this item that people consider "glitched". It has yellow tape instead of silver tape in the center of the glasses.
- It can be recycled for 925 gems, which is much more than the average fraction you get for that. 
- It is most commonly won in The Forgotten Desert, but there are a few other adventures that you can earn it (while playing Hard Mode).
- To many Jammers, Rare Nerd Glasses are worth several den betas, or a spiked wristband. 

That wraps up the post on Rare Nerd Glasses! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you guys later.

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