Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Kangaroo Claw, Look Of The Week DE Update and Jamaa Derby Location Theory

Hey guys! I am back and...
lolololololololololololololololol. I'm not back. I can't scientifically be back if I can't meet up with you guys in a certain place. Or wait- I'm back to posting. You know what, never mind.
(I always have to have some sort of weird intro to capture attention lol)
But since I'm back, let's get into the post. Nothing has changed for me today except that I just started reading The Fault in Our Stars. I heard it's a good book, and so far, it seems like the rumors are true about it. Also, math is now nearly over, and we're in our final unit currently. It's much easier than the last one.
For the updates today, the Kangaroo Claw has returned to the Diamond Shop!
The Daily Explorer also has a new post, and today their topic is Look of the week.
 A little while ago I decided to play a few rounds of Jamaa Derby for the fun of it. But then I realized the location of the game.
This got me thinking... where is the actual location of Jamaa Derby? The land that it uses goes away from Jamaa Township. I've speculated, that by looking on the world map, that Jamaa Derby takes place somewhere in the islands we can't get to.
Sure, the start/finish line is there, but it's probably just AJ logic and it's a landmark to prove the game is available to play there. This small island seems like a reasonable place for Jamaa Derby, too, since it is grassy and muddy. 
Now that's all I have for this post! I sincerely hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all in my next post!

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