Friday, April 28, 2017

Sunflower Lamp, Storming The Fortress DE Update, Ocean Diamond Shops Guide and New Secret Item

Alright, hey guys! (Another copy of Julian2's old intro. I am pretty creative)
Today is Friday, April 28th, 2017. What does this mean? 
Absolutely nothing. So let's get into the post. Here is the new item, which can be found in Jam Mart Furniture:
I think this was around in 2012, because I vaguely remember it. It's a pretty cool item, though.
There is also a new Daily Explorer post today, based upon the latest adventure.
 Now, I didn't get the chance to post about this earlier, but there are several new items in the Ocean Diamond Shops. The Ocean Diamond Shops were released yesterday in the Jamaa Journal. Here are all of the items available in each ODS (there is a clothing one in Bahari Bargains, and a furniture one in Sunken treasures)

Yep, AJHQ just did what you saw in that picture. There are now Spiked Collars underwater. Honestly, if we all knew for sure there'd be an underwater Diamond Shop, everybody should've known this would happen. I mean, come on... nearly every rare and limited item available for diamonds has to do with spikes these days.
Finally, in the new Ol' Barn Den (which can be accessed from the Epic Dens list), there is a new secret item. These always come out every update. This is where to find the secret item in the Ol' Barn. Click on the Nest, and you can buy it!

I hope you guys enjoyed this post, but I'm going to end it here. I'm gonna go watch Youtube now lol. So yeah, until next time, I'll see you guys later!

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