Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Whole New Setup

Hey guys, it's Penguin here.
Warning: This post does have some mature content.
Lately I've been thinking about some things I have done throughout my life, and things that I regret doing. And seriously, you have to believe me, I've done TONS of things I regret. In School, I used to be "a really popular person" that always hanged out with every other popular person. I regret it. I never liked getting involved in drama. The other kids always tried to convince me to bully the weak. Well, this was a very long time ago, and I never knew anything better. But I never wanted to be left out. Really, one of the only reasons I did it was so that I myself didn't get bullied. I have always been considered a smart kid, and you know how it goes. Smart people get bullied, right? So I decided to become popular and always side with the popular kids. I regret this so much. People at school used to think of me as a bully. Then, I decided to quit that, and I became your average "nerd". I only cared about school and nothing else. Because of this, I was bullied TERRIBLY. I did so many things I regret then, and some are so embarrassing I don't want to talk about them. This was the time I had no common sense, either (remember I mentioned that in one of my posts?). So yes, I did really weird things. Once I got to fifth grade I decided to change for the better again (I started fifth grade in August 2014, and finished it in June 2015). In fifth grade I started doing bad things, but not "really" bad. I didn't do anything like, you know, fighting kids, backtalking teachers, doing drugs, etc. I don't even like to talk about this kind of stuff. I absolutely hate it. All I did was hang out with the popular kids again and try to not get bullied. But then again, some people still considered me a bully. And then I still got bullied for the embarrassing things I did in fourth grade when I had no common sense. I eventually got into sports so I could become more popular. I still like basketball and watch it, though. By the end of fifth grade, nobody knew what to think of me. Then came sixth grade- or, as I call it, the first grade of Middle School. I became really popular because I started working out and all that to become "tough". This sounds so weird coming out of me, doesn't it? And then, I still continued to get amazing grades and straight A's. This is why people underestimated me. They think because I have good grades I can't be popular or athletic. And I hate that! It's just not fair. So I continued to get good grades, but befriended all the popular kids. But that's when I realized how horrible bullying is. Sixth Grade came to an end this year, and now it's almost time for me to go into seventh grade. Currently, I got to a Boys and Girls club sometimes during the summer, and I'm still friends with popular kids. But everytime they begin to bully people I just walk away, and tell the victim not to listen to that person once the bullies go away. Guys, I'm so sorry for being such a horrible, dramatic, person. But now I know who I really am. I'm somebody like you. Everybody that reads this blog is nice, caring, and has REAL friends. In real life, it's hard to find a real friend. Back in the days when I was popular, I used to constantly scam with my IRL friends on AJ. I didn't understand that pixels actually meant anything to others, but I just wanted rares to become popular. Now, after becoming friends with some amazing people, I know what's right and what's wrong. I started becoming a good person on Animal Jam in 2013, but I wasn't exactly the best person in IRL at the time. After beginning blogging, I started getting a little better. And then I met so many amazing people. I remember in the very early months of 2014 when I met two great friends that I will never forget. That was the start of it, because just a little while after I had many more great friends. And in 2015 I met many more people, too. Then this year I've met people that have become best friends very quickly because of how amazing they are. If it wasn't for all of you, I would never be where I am. Posting, well, is the best thing I've ever had. Real life friends can sometimes be bad, but there's a great amount of real friends you can find with Blogging. I know it sounds weird that my best friends are on the internet, but it's true. You guys are awesome, inspirational, and amazing. I just can't put it into words. I've changed so much because of this. And I have a life outside of the internet, because I wouldn't want to get completely obsessed with it. I know I've said this so many times and it is very cheesy, but it's so true. I'm not a bully. I'm not a bad person. I'm not a popular person. Nor am I weak. I might be underestimated alot, but underestimating is a prediction, and predictions aren't always true. I am not the best person in the world, but I'm fine just the way I am with you guys. I want to be an author when I grow up so I can express everything I need to get out of my imagination. I only found that out after starting blogging. And I would've quit Blogger a long time ago if it wasn't for every friend I have made with it. I used to care about fame and rares, and the rares part wasn't that long ago. I was pretty obsessed with rares in December 2015 because I had nothing to do during Winter Break. But I still cared about my friends more. When I first became an author on The Animal Jam Community blog, I was excited because it was a famous blog and I'd have more fans! Today, I don't care about fame and rares. The only thing I care about is entertaining everyone that views this blog, educating them, informing them about updates, making new friends, hanging out with friends, and writing. If I was hacked, I wouldn't care as long as I still had my buddies and my account. Guys, I wouldn't know what to do without you. This post is getting a little dramatic now, but I have another thing to say before getting to the main point: you can't change who you are. But you can find who you really are. This is what happened to me. I tried to become the most popular person ever, but it wasn't me. 

Now, let's move onto my main point for this post. I'm not going to start a post off with Hey Jammers, and end it with Bye Guys, see you in the next post. That's too common, and I want to have something much more detailed. I will try to make my posts very entertaining. Usually, this is the setup of my main posts: Intro, New Item, Daily Explorer update, Hidden Features/Theories/Glitches, Conclusion. No, I want to make them unique. Once the school year starts I probably can't do all that, though, because school starts too early and AJHQ takes longer to release daily updates now. In the school year I might do hidden features, new glitches, latest news, theories, shoutouts, stories, and other posts for the mornings. Then, for the afternoons, I will show you the new item, Daily Explorer update, maybe some of the features listed from above, and other things that I'll come up with by then. For now, my posts will remain the same way they are, but more detailed and (I hope) they will include new features I can add to my posts. I've gotten this new setup idea for the AJ Spring after thinking about how much I have changed over the years, and how much I've tried to be someone I'm not. These posts will be original, more detailed, and, well, will just be me. I hope you will like my new, weird posts, because after all, weird is unique! So, for now on, I'd like to welcome you to the new era of Animal Jam Spring posts.

P.S. Today there will be another part of A Jammer's Dream coming out, and a possible new template. We're also getting close to 30,000 views, and I couldn't have done it without all the viewers. You guys make me feel so great. So yes, there will be a party coming soon.


Cheer said...

Hey I know about the being left out part. It is really hard to make friends in real life. People always judged me for things that I did was when I was younger. I had no friends in 4th grade. But then I started to meet good people. People who cared about me. People who liked me for who I was. I think it's so easy to find good friends on the internet because you can be yourself without being judged. I just feel like people are more accepting. If I feel like being crazy, I can, and most of the time people enjoy it. In real life only my friends would think it's funny. And Penguin, I think it's great that you've discovered yourself! :)

☀2fangwolf AJ☀ said...

We all make mistakes and it's completely okay. Things do get better after middle school, though, trust me. I'm a sophomore now and I never thought I'd "get over" some things from my days in middle school.. but I have :-)

Starlynn said...

Well. I'm going to 7th grade too and.. I completely understand the identity thing and the being under estimated and I just don't know what to say. I really don't know what to say. . Deep Breath . Back in maybe 3rd grade or so? I was that lil nerd. I just did my work and I did a good job. I never talked to anyone. I felt so alone. Honestly. I don't know what to say at all.. I just.. UGH! Back to the point of whatever this is -------> I relate to this and I understand this so if you need anyone to talk to.. I wouldn't judge anything.. I have things I want to tell people but.. Well I can't. And.. I have no idea what to write honestly. It's like I'm slamming into a wall in my head. Ugh just. Ugh! Ill end this weird comment thing..

Starlynn said...

Deeeeep Breathhh. Okay here.

I still don't think I've found where I'm supposed to be. I don't think that's happening anytime soon. But that's okay. I can take as long as I need.
What am I doing? Ugh just Ugh! I need to be alone for a bit.

Canine Claw (inactive) said...

XD I never had any friends IRL they just used me.

Starlynn said...

Okay it's been like 8 hours and I cleared my head.

I don't know what to say. I STILL don't know what to say. I'm just going crazy laughing. 8 hours and I don't know what to say? 😂😂😂 I give up. Good night!

Penguin55544 said...


Violet AJ said...

Yeah, sometimes we all just regret the chances we didn't take. I know sometimes I regret doing things from a long time ago or just recently. You will get over it eventually, the hard part is for you to just get it off your mind and think about positive stuff. Also, real friends may also be annoying at time just by the slightest things, make sure to keep those off your mind, Ik my friends sometimes annoy me by the slightest things but I still love them:) It's kinda funny cause I was planning out a new blog layout too for my blog XD

Swirlshine said...

Wow. I never knew I was so much like you.
You're right. It IS hard to find a real friend IRL. I found a few, of course, but one of my two best friends is acting...different right now. But I probably shouldn't get into that.
Some of my best friends have been made on blogs and AJ. I can't believe this one game changed my life like this, but it did. In a good way, though.

I know what you mean. But think of it this way. If you really do regret the things you did back then, you're always been a good person. You know what you did wasn't great, and even though you can't change it, you know that you can stop it in the future.

But honestly, you've always been an amazing person and blogger. I never thought bad of you for a second. If you have all of these great friends on here, then you've clearly done it right. :)

Unknown said...

Hey Penguin! I'm going into 7th grade and I struggle through the same things C,: