Monday, August 8, 2016

RIM and My Membership Expired

Well, here's something interesting: I logged on today and found this.
I'm a on-Member now! But only for a day. I'll be getting a new membership soon, but I'm going to take this chance and get the feeling Non-Members get. I know it can be tough, and I haven't been a Non-Member since 2013. 
I'd like to show you some struggles that NM's get. First of all, most items are for Members.
And it's not only the items that cause struggles, it's the players, too. Some Member bully Non-Members and it makes them feel bad. Well, they're human beings too! There's nothing wrong with them, so everybody should treat them the same. They are human beings, not poor, unpopular weirdos. 
Anyways, let's get into the other part of this post. Here is the Rare Item Monday released today!
It looks as if AJHQ will be releasing a set of instrument rares. 
That's about all for this post, I hope you all understand why you shouldn't bully Non-Members. They are people, just like you!

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