Sunday, August 28, 2016

Lack of Interest

I just took a day off from posting because, well, I just lost interest in posting. Weird, right? I have the interest back today, but I just didn't feel like posting yesterday. But today there will be way more posts, and I'll be making up for what I didn't do.
So, let's get into some good news for me. I finally got my third laptop and we got a refund. I'm very thankful for this, and it's another Chromebook, the one I'm used to!
And what about school? How has it been? My teachers have confirmed they don't like to give out homework unless e don't finish our assignments. So that's good!
That's about all the news I have, except that I might be taking an entrance exam next week. But, I'll be posting very soon, so Ill see you then!

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