Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Then and Now, Episode 2: Crystal Sands

Hey guys, it's time for another episode of Then and Now! For the second episode, we will be talking about Crystal Sands. Once again, I got most of my information from The Animal Jam Wiki. Now, let's begin!
Crystal Sands: Then
Crystal Sands: Now
Features Added in: Pet Wash, Waterslides
Features Removed: The "No Waterslides" Era

What version of Crystal Sands do you like better? Tell me in the comments, and thank you for reading this post. I'll see you guys soon!


Starlynn said...

The art style of the old Crystal Sands is just.. nice in my opinion. Toda- wait. Wait, wait, wait. 4 Caves but, Crystal Sand connects to only 3 lands! O.o? CAVE THEORY. SECRET UNDERGROUND CAVE THEORY!!!!

Swirlshine said...

I liked the older Crystal Sands a bit more. Just looked more like a real beach, you know? The water was kinda greenish, and there were some rocks and other stuff scattered about. Now, it looks more like a waterpark. Not that that's a bad thing though! I personally LOVE waterparks!