Tuesday, August 23, 2016

History of AJ's Spring Egg Hunt

Hey guys, I'm back and currently we will be talking about the Spring Egg Hunt. It's late at night right now and it's the final day hat I can stay up late- because tomorrow's my last day of Summer Vacation. Crap. But anyways, the Spring Egg Hunt was what AJHQ held when there was no Spring Festival adventure. You could find various eggs around Jamaa, and one you found them all, you'd get a special prize. This event was held in April of each year between 2011 and 2014. Here is a screenshot of one of the eggs you could find. 
Here are the prizes you could obtain, beginning with 2011.
2011's Prize: Basket of Candy
2012's Prize: Egg on Pedestal
2013's Prize: Nest of Eggs'

2014's Prize: Golden Egg (final prize)
Interesting, right? I personally liked the Spring Egg Hunt better than the Spring Festival adventure. What do you think? I'm going to go now, but I'll see you guys tomorrow. Goodbye people that are reading this post.

1 comment:

Starlynn said...

As much as I like the egg hunt, I have to disagree with you on that. That Spring Feastival is my anniversary of joining AJ. :D