Saturday, August 13, 2016

Pirate Ship In a Bottle, Daily Explorer Update, Theater Posters and Game Idea

Why hello there people that view this blog. I'm back for another post. Yesterday I totally failed you guys and didn't post in the afternoon. Why? I have no excuse. I usually post towards the night, but I got in bed and just fell asleep. I guess I want to sleep as much as possible before school starts. Anyways, today is Saturday and that means I can include everything in one post. So let's begin- here is the new item, found in Jam Mart Furniture. It is continuing the Pirate Theme.
And I think you all know what's next. Yes, it's the Daily Explorer update.
 Now it's time for some more features. I haven't done these for a while, so why not? In Sarepia Forest, there are Theater Posters that you may have not noticed.
Then when you're in the Movie Theater, you'll see a Popcorn Game. You can use it to get a bag of popcorn. But I think it should become a game you can buy ad use as an item in your den. It would be a cool feature
Now, since this post is nearly over, I'm going to give another reminder for the 30,000 views party tomorrow. Make sure to come, but if you can't make it, it's okay!
Okay, I'm going to go post on The AJ Community now, but I'll be back later and will make more posts on this blog! I'll see you then.

1 comment:

Starlynn said...

@Penguin Is the party starting yet?