Saturday, August 20, 2016

Origami Table, Daily Explorer Update and The Best Thing Ever

Hello thy fellow Jammers. This is my really ancient accent that nobody knows about. Oops- I meant- for this is my quite ancient accent that evolved from my distant relatives. Umm... I guess you got me. I have no accent. Haha, aren't I funny? No, I am quite not funny. Yes, that's the word. Now, let's begin the post. Here is the new item.
And now, it's time for... well, you already know. The Daily Explorer update. By the way, why am I listening to Christmas music right now? Ahh, I'm already spoiling part of this post.
 Okay, as you know from the title of this post, I am about to tell you the best thing ever! I went to a store today and they had Christmas Decorations out. Isn't that AMAZING? It's almost time for our parent's wallets to be empty again. Awesome! That's funny! Oh no! I'm a little too hyped up for this! In 20 years I'll be spending hundreds, too! Umm, guys, excuse my silliness in this post, I just recently drank some soda. Oh, and listen to this Christmas Music. I just had to show it because it's nice. (Yes, indeed, all I can use to describe it is nice.)
Well, that's all for this post. Please excuse my weirdness because I feel pretty weird right now. Weird huh? Isn't it weird how many times I keep saying the word weird? Weird... but yes, it's time for me to disappear out of Blogger for the night. I want to go read some more of Warriors. Yep, that's exactly how I'll spend my night. So, goodbye then. I'll see you guys in my next post. 


Swirlshine said...

I would spend my night that way too if I hadn't read all the books already.
Well, all except the Dawn Of The Clans arc.

Starlynn said...

Ughhhhhhhh. I need the last book in Power of Three already you.

Cheer said...

I wish I owned all the Warriors books. Is there any cat you guys would like me to draw?