Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Meerkat Items and the Meerkat Itself

Hewwo. It mew, the guy that uses the letterwww w alotw. Do you likew how I talkw now? No. I didn'tw thinkw so.
So, let's talk normal now!
I just renewed my membership and let me tell you this: being a Non-Member can be hard, but it's still worth playing the game for. One big struggle I had is that it erased all of the looks on my animals and the decorated dens I had. Oh well. I guess I have enough patience to finish decorating them again in maybe 6 years. Anyways, I got these Meerkat Items when I renewed my Membership:
And here is the meerkat that I got. 
Okay, I've got to go now, make sure to come back later for all of today's updates. I hope you enjoyed this post


Cheer said...

Go check Google+ for your surprise!

Penguin55544 said...

I just checked it; and then left a comment on it. That art is amazing! Once again, thanks so much!

Cheer said...

You're welcome Penguin!

Swirlshine said...

Firepaw=KAWAII! XD

Swirlshine said...

Cheer, I snooped on your Google+, because I'm so nosy, XD! No, actually it was because I love art too much, so naturally I had to look at the art you made for Penguin. And your other art, too, XD!

YOU ARE SUCH A GREAT ARTIST! I can't believe how amazing you draw! :O

Anonymous said...

What are they worth? I feel like since they came from a memship card they would be worth a lot. Cuz I have em and I'm really into trading. Thanks if anyone replies ^.^