Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Departing Items, Daily Explorer Updates and Travelling Theory

Penguins can't fly! 
Or can they...
Only if they listen to the song I Believe I can Fly. So yes, Penguins can fly! Well, not really. I'm just kidding. But on Animal Jam they can! Wait, what am I even talking about? Let's begin today's main posts. I couldn't find any new items, so here are some departing items you may want to pick up.
And the second part of this post will include the Daily Explorer update. Not a surprise, right?
 Finally, do you all remember River Race? Remember when it was in Jamaa Township and after playing it you would be in Coral Canyons? Well,  have another idea. What if Jammers could travel through rivers? This river right here is probably the one people took after River Race, but you didn't get to see it or really access it.
So, what do you think about the river travelling idea?
This was the first main post of the "new era", and I hope you liked it. Once again, I'll be posting at least 2 times a day, and maybe even more when I feel like it. But for now, this is the flying Penguin signing off. (After all, on Animal Jam, it's possible!)

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