Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Origami Couch and Hidden Features in the Chamber of Knowledge

Hello my loyal subjects of royalty! I am now your King.
Actually, wait just a second... something seems a little fishy about this... oh, yes. I know now. It's those Bill Collectors setting me up again so they can take all my gold when I become King. So, I am not your King anymore. I'm just your average AJ Blogger again! Yay! Anyways, since I'm back now, let's begin the post. Here is the new item, the Origami Couch in Jam Mart Furniture.
And now, it is time for the ULTIMATE Daily Explorer update... well, not really. It's not ultimate. It's just another Daily Explorer update.
 I've decided to show you guys some more hidden features for this post. In the Chamber of Knowledge, have you noticed this Fire Torch?
And, to the left of this, you can find some eggs- but the fancy type you would find in Outback Imports.
Do you think these eggs inspired the ones in Outback Imports?
Interesting, isn't it? AJHQ notices their hidden features.
That's about all for this post, make sure to come back soon for more! Once again, there is a Post Marathon going on this week where I should post 4-6 times a day. I didn't yesterday, bu today I will. I'll be posting soon. See you guys in my next post.

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