Sunday, May 21, 2017

Getting Back On Track

Finally I am back- for an actual day of posts.
Yesterday I didn't really make an update post. What is my excuse for all of this? Why have I lost my posting schedule for the past week? What went wrong?
Honestly, I don't have an excuse. I could've still kept up on my schedule, but I let myself go. Last week I was so, so upset about getting a "lower than expected" score on my math exams. I literally lost it that day- I couldn't concentrate or anything. I basically gave up on everything at that point. But those exams aren't an actual grade, and I didn't even think of that. I'm still getting my straight A's to become something in life. But I did learn a lesson here: you can't always be perfect, even if you strive your greatest to be that way. Things will go wrong, but in the end, those things won't even matter anymore. As long as you continue to try your best, it'll turn out fine.
Now that my cringey inspirational paragraph is over, I'd like to explain a few things. From now until the end of the school year, I have to complete my goal: getting to 100,000 views. I set this goal a while ago, and I still think this blog can achieve it by then. I like to expand my amount of viewers all so they can get quality updates and other AJ related content. However, right now, my stats aren't looking as good as normal.
Right now, I'm only getting about 60-70 pageviews a day. It's because I haven't been as active again. Currently I have 17 days in the school year left (counting weekends) and 12 days of actual school. My last day is June 7th. If I can get 250 views or more each day until then, the goal will be accomplished. And how am I going to do this? I'm going to strive to post every day and try my absolute best to release amazing content. I'll also be advertising in Jamaa to get newer viewers. Hopefully everyone reading will enjoy my blog, because that is the main purpose I continue to post. 
I'm going to admit something here. Back when I first created this blog, I pictured myself one day becoming an amazing blogger. I looked up to people like Nafaria9, TheSlidoo, MisterChunkybuddy, Fuzzy Shyivy and the rest of the top bloggers. To me, these people were legends. Blogging was more popular than Youtube when I began, too. Even today, I still think about being one of the next great Bloggers. But it's not my main priority anymore. I think every blogger does have a little bit of ambition in them, but you just shouldn't get carried away with it.
So yeah, I might think about being a great Blogger, but honestly, everyone is. There are no bloggers that are better than each other. The community here is thankful for all of them, and so am I. As long as I can provide great content to viewers and help more people in the world of Jamaa, I'll be proud of myself. 
Anyways, that's all I have to say in this post. It's time to go and write the update post. I'll see you all then!

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