Sunday, May 7, 2017

Propeller, SBI Explained and Subterranean Lake Theory

Hello to all you people out there. I'm back for the update post today!
So I recently decided my posts would no longer have DE updates. They are pointless and share little importance to the other parts of the post. But what am I going to use to replace them? Currently I have a new idea: interesting AJ facts. There are thousands upon thousands of AJ facts- about the game, about animals, and many more. I'll be including them in my update posts now. However, I'll eventually get bored of doing these over and over, and that's made me think of a few other ideas. If I don't feel like including interesting facts on certain days, I'll have other options. Tips/tricks to Animal Jam is one of my options. For tips and tricks, I'll be giving advice on any AJ related topics from my personal experience. When I do these, feel free to comment topics I can post about! I'm also going to have Video days that can be AJ related or not- but they must be somewhat interesting and eligible to start a conversation. 
So those are how I'm replacing Daily Explorer updates. Comment your opinion on my new ideas below! Now, let's begin the first update post in the "new AJ Spring era". (That sentence was so cringy lol)
The new item today can be found in Bahari Bargains, and it is the returning Propeller!
For the second part of the post today, I have an interesting fact to share with you guys. In the Hot Cocoa Hut, there are two bags labeled "SBI". Some people know what it stands for, and others don't. Here is a picture of them both.
Animal Jam was originally made by two Companies: National Geographic and Smart Bomb Interactive. The SBI on those bags stands for the second company I named above. Over time, Smart Bomb Interactive changed its name to Wildworks, and it still works with National Geographic today. 
Finally, the last part of my posts are going to be anything I want. Today I came up with a new theory, relating to the caves/tunnels that people think connect Mt. Shiveer to Crystal Sands. In Crystal Sands, there is a waterfall at the top that gives water to the slides.
If you look at it from the World Map, it heads into the distant mountains.
So where is this water coming from? My theory here is that the caves/tunnels underground include some sort of lake. It might be some sort of subterranean lake that is giving off water to to Crystal Sands. A river might connect the lake to the waterfall. This idea is even more convincing when many people believe these underground tunnels give Jamaa resources, along with connecting lands. 
Now, that idea is kind of far fetched. The rivers separating Jamaasian lands are more likely to be giving the waterfall water. But I still like to make theories, no matter how stupid they are. You might never the the truth, so it's better to have ideas than nothing!
Anyways, that's all I have for this post. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you guys next time!

1 comment:

Violet AJ said...

Ah I like your new template! I swear they keep on getting better and better👍🏻