Monday, May 22, 2017

Rare Butterfly Hair Bow, Weird Jammer in Jamaa and AJ World Map Rant

Hey guys!
Today has been a horrible day for me. Remember this morning when I mentioned being sick? It got much worse. My allergies have really been getting to me today and my sore throat got worse. However, I didn't let this stop me from doing anything today, and I'll still be posting now. It does suck, though.
Speaking of being sick, I've noticed that every year in May I get this way. I guess it's because of allergies, but this pattern is weird. If you look at some of my posts from last year around this time, you'll notice that I was sick in May. Weird, isn't it?
It's time to begin talking about the updates. Since it is Monday, we have a new rare in stores. This time it can be found in Jam Mart Clothing.
For the next part of the post, I have something pretty weird to show you guys. While in Jamaa Township today, I found someone talking. But this wasn't a regular conversation. 
This really makes no sense. A party for scammers? And why would they want scammers to take their stuff? I hope this person isn't celebrating scammers, because they're not a good thing lol.
Lastly, I want to go on a small rant today. This has happened to me a lot today when I want to go different places in Jamaa. First of all, I'll scroll over the land I want to visit:
But then after I click on it, a notification will pop up saying the room is full.
I'd understand if AJHQ just made a notification pop up, but why do the world maps close every time this happens? This makes it much less efficient when trying to get somewhere, because you'll constantly have to re-open the map to keep trying. This is super annoying and I wish AJHQ would fix it.
That's my post for today, I hope you guys can relate to it, and you all enjoyed it! I have to get my rest now, so I'll see you all next time.

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