Thursday, May 4, 2017

Returning Hatapalooza Event, DE Update and Number/Names of Buddies Server Idea

I'm honestly running out of ideas for greetings, so I just won't have one today lol.
Tomorrow is Carnival Day at my school, and I get to operate it. We're skipping classes all day, and along with the school carnival, there'll be fun activities. I'm excited for tomorrow- but I hope those activities won't be stupid as most of them are.
Now, let's get into the updates. The Hatapalooza has returned, and it has been announced on the Jamaa Journal.
The carts can all be found in Jamaa Township, Coral Canyons and Crystal Sands. All of the new items are the following:

Yes, top hats have returned. To some people, they were pretty rare, but this doesn't affect me in any way. I do feel a little sympathy for the rare collectors since many of their items have been re-released, though. 
Here is the Daily Explorer update next!
 For the last part of this post, I have a new idea to share: you know how on the World Map, there is a feature that counts the number of buddies in a certain land?
I think that this should be used when picking a new server. Instead of it just alerting us buddy are there, we should be able to know how many and who.
This post is now coming to an end. Nothing else is coming to mind, so I'll see you all again tomorrow!

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