Monday, May 22, 2017

Items of Jamaa, Episode 27: 1st Birthday Cake

What's up, guys? The air.
Well, now that another one of my weird intros is over, I guess it's time to begin this post. 
I woke up earlier this morning. Why? I got sick today. I have some kind of sore throat, allergies and headache. It's really annoying, but I'll just have to get over it.
Let's begin the morning post now. Today, I'm going to write another episode of Items of Jamaa. The topic for Episode 27 is the 1st Birthday Cake.
- It was formerly a promo item that could be won by entering the code ajbday. 
- The Code was first available on September 5, 2011.
- It is different than most of the other Birthday cakes. This one is more simple and (in my opinion) looks less modern.
- It only comes in one variety.
- The original ajbday code is now expired, but a new code comes out every year with another Birthday Cake. 
- This birthday cake is more based on the beginning of modern AJ. The real birthday was in Beta Testing, but the game became fully available in September.
- If you click on the candle flame, the cake goes up in flame and disappears. Shortly after it returns.
- This is one of the few items that can't be rotated/flipped.
- The First Birthday Cake is commonly confused as a Beta, but it isn't. However, it's probably worth as much as one. 

Anyways, that's a wrap on this morning post! I hope you enjoyed it, and I'll see you all later.

1 comment:

Sarahkey said...

The 1st bday cake looked really good! But I ccould never get my hands on one... XD!