Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Silver Ring, Winter is Coming Video and Possible Explanations

Hey guys!
Today I've been doing better again. We took a math quiz today and I feel- well, not as good about it. However, I have enough A's on assignments in that class now that I doubt one B on a quiz will bring me down. 
For the updates today, the Silver Ring has returned to Epic Wonders.
Apparently, the Silver ring was considered rare by many people. AJHQ has been releasing many "semi rare" items back into the game lately.
Now, since tomorrow is Thursday, AJHQ has released an update sneak peak.
To be honest, this seems pretty cool. Why? Because this sneak peak seems more unique than what we've usually been getting, and it makes you think. It's still weird though, because it's nearly summer and AJ is stating "Winter is coming." So what are my ideas on this sneak peak? The first one that came into my mind was a new land. I doubt it, but what if these clues are hinting that we're getting a new winter themed land? This is a bad idea since we already have one, though. Many other people have speculated that there are now going to be weather patterns in Jamaa. (snow, rain, hail, etc.)
Lastly, there was one comment on the video stating AJHQ is trolling us. I honestly don't know the truth here. This sneak peak has got me thinking. Comment your thoughts below, because I'd like to here them!
Anyways, I've got to go now. I'll be back tomorrow!

1 comment:

ca1ista said...

ooh! silver rings are back, cool