Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Pitch Fork, Look Of The Week DE Update and Recycling Machine Item Idea

Hiya people of Jamaa!
Today's been a really great day for me. School is well (by the way, we are learning the Pythagorean Theorem in math) and I've improved many of my daily habits. I also just finished Warriors :Dawn of the Clans: The Blazing Star. I've been trying to savor the entire series because there's barely any left out of all the arcs/companion novels. I still haven't read the Last Hope- I've been saving it for so long now. It got spoiled to me that one of the main characters dies, but I don't know anything else. 
Anyways, let's move on from my life. Here is the new item today, which can be found at Jam Mart Furniture.
Animal Jam becomes more like Farm Jam every day. 
There's also a new Daily Explorer update, and today it's about LOTW 
 Finally, while I was at Jam Mart Furniture today, an idea came into mind. You know how there are recycling machines at the "Jam Mart" stores?
I think there should be an actual den item that is a Recycling machine. It would be much more efficient to use than going to the store. It would also make it easier to recycle items without worrying about a room being full. 
For now, that's all I have for today's update post. I'll be back tomorrow!

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