Friday, May 5, 2017

Pixelated Koala Head, DE Update and Atlantis Ruins Den Idea

Hey guys!
I kind just skipped posting this morning. There wasn't really any particular reason for me, and I still need time to think about ideas.
Anyways, the carnival day was cool! I did get a sunburn though, lol.
Now, getting into the updates today, here is the new item::
Secondly, here is the Daily Explorer update,
Finally, I have another den idea on my mind: the Lost City of (insert some Jamaasian name here.). It would be an underwater den and have ruins of an ancient Jamaasian city. In my opinion, it would be somewhat related to the Lost Ruins den, but more like an epic version.
I got this idea from the Lost City of Atlantis itself. I feel like it should be a huge underwater den, and with it, AJHQ should release a bunch of items. You'd need alot if it would become an Atlantis sized den.
So that's another idea on how to make the oceans more popular. What do you think of it?
For now, this post is over. But tomorrow 'll post more and (maybe) update the template! Until then, see you later.

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