Saturday, May 27, 2017

Ugh... Am I The Worst Blogger?

I can't stand myself anymore. What is the only thing I do? Procrastinate. That's exactly why I'm not making another update post today. It's too late, and I held off. I freaking hate myself. Why do I promise to post when I don't do it? Some days it's just boring. But if I don't post, I just feel empty. Ugh.
I can't promise this, but I'm going to try and post 4 or more times tomorrow. I have a lot of ideas on my mind that  really want to post. Hopefully I'll get around to them.
And I can't promise this either, but I might make an update post tomorrow. With my kind of procrastination, I don't even know.
I guess that's all for this post. Hopefully I'll become a better Blogger soon.


purple said...

Penguin, you are a great Blogger! Almost all the AJ Bloggers aren't able to post daily. Actually, most Bloggers post once or twice a week or even less (like me)! You're one of the most active bloggers out there. You manage to make great posts even when you're busy with school so cut yourself some slack! It's okay to miss a day or two.
I know you feel bad when you don't post, but just know that your readers understand. We all have to deal with procrastination.
Just remember that you're not a bad Blogger! Your blog posts are really good and you should not think that you're not a good Blogger just because you miss a post or two.

Violet AJ said...

Aw penguin don't say that. Your an amazing blogger!!! Tons of people read your blog or how did you end up with almost 100 000 pageviews? It definitely wasn't from just one person.

gingy gingy said...

You are a fantastic blogger! You put so much effort into your posts that it's unbelievable. I look up to you! You're awesome!