Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Ancient Phantom Wall - Hidden Details & Theory

Have you ever wondered about those weird, Phantom Walls available in Jam Mart Furniture?

Look at the designs on them. In the top one, there are Phantom Aliens invading some land. But in the bottom, there are really weird shaped phantoms. And guess what? There is a pyramid by them. These carvings make me think that there is a hidden message here. In real life, there are many theories that an advanced alien civilization came to earth to build the Pyramids of Giza. After all, it would've been pretty much impossible for humans to do that at the time. These carvings are similar to that theory. The Phantoms are aliens building a pyramid. 
What do I think of this? Honestly, I just believe National Geographic is referencing the theory. It is a well known one. I don't think the Phantoms built Jamaa for us, if that's what the message is trying to say.
This hidden detail is pretty cool. And that theory has not yet been proven; I don't believe it personally. But this is still a cool idea. What do you think about AJHQ doing this?

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