Sunday, June 4, 2017

Triple Innertube and Den Editing: Undo Button Idea

Hey guys!
Today I was at my friend's pool and had a lot of fun. It was 90 degrees out, and by now, it's pretty much summer.
For the updates today, the new item is the triple innertube. It can be found in Jam Mart Furniture.
For the next part of this post, I want to give you guys another AJ idea. So, while editing dens, people always make mistakes and accidentally mess up. That's why there should be an Undo Button for den editing. It might look like the flip an item arrow, but with the words "Undo" under it.
This feature would be really helpful!
Anyways, I don't have anything else to share with you guys. I ran out of ideas for this week- but I'll be getting more tomorrow. Until then, goodbye!

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