Friday, November 11, 2016

A Weird Screenshot and Den Updates

Penguin has returned to his rightful spot as AJ Spring's owner. Isn't that amazing? Well, err... that was a weird intro. Let's just forget that ever happened.
Anyways, I know this past week has been a collection of worthless posts and studying for exams upon exams upon even more exams. That sentence was awkward to write, too. But it's finally Friday, so posts will be coming more frequently this weekend and they'll not be worthless anymore. 
Now let's move back to the awkward word that I mentioned earlier. I found an awkward person in Jamaa Township, and this screenshot was kinda creepy.
Well, that just won't get out of my mind now.
Secondly, I've been working on a Jamaaliday den (not for a long time), but yeah. I'll also be updating the blog template with a holiday theme pretty soon, too. Here is my progress on the Jamaaliday den, though, which I've barely started.
Ehh... it'll take some time to finish it.
Alright, that's all I have for this morning post. I will be posting better things this weekend and I'll be much more active on AJ and Blogger. Next week I have four days of school, and the week after that is Thanksgiving break (I'll get Wednesday through Sunday off then) 
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, and I'll see you soon.

1 comment:

Swirlshine said...

*Stares back until bunny's eyes fall hurt* XDDDD